New Book Announcement Publicity Contact: Byron Belitsos
March 15, 2015 415.446-0166 •
Announcing the second volume in the
Adventure of Being Human series …
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Learn about the first volume in the
Adventure of Being Human series HERE
More Lessons on Soulful Living from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation
Transmitted and edited by Jerry Lane
$14.95 trade paperback • 155 pages • glossary and appendices
Pub date: March 15, 2015 • Origin Press/Celestia • 9781579830359
Celestial Wisdom from Our “Divine Mother”
—An Updated Gospel Teaching for Our Time
The Jesus we encounter in the New Testament loved to teach and heal. He ministered to ordinary people in everyday settings, often using simple metaphors and stories that could reach the common people of those days. But what if there were—now living among us today—an equivalent female teacher?
According to The Adventure of Being Human II: Mother Spirit Speaks (Origin Press, March 15, 2015), such a feminine minister is here and is once again teaching ordinary folks—for our true Divine Mother is omnipresent in the spirit as a living reality. Bringing her presence to the world’s attention is the mission of this second volume in the Adventure of Being Human series.
Known in some circles as “Mother Spirit,” this new teacher is considered to be the feminine co-equal of Jesus Christ. And she is knocking on many doors in these times of crisis.
One man who has opened that door is Jerry Lane, a former
U.S. Marine platoon commander in Vietnam and a retired master carpenter. Jerry is an advanced student of The Urantia Book, and an adept at transmitting the words of Mother Spirit.
Through Jerry’s transmissions received over the past ten years, Mother is updating Jesus’ ancient biblical teachings—speaking gently but with authority on such topics such as:
• the unfathomable preciousness and infinitude of each human person
• our true human nature: body, mind, soul, spirit, and personality
• how our soul grows through experience—and is expressed as our “character”
• our inner “home base”—and how to locate it reliably in stillness or prayer
• the true meaning of our pain and adversity in the human adventure
Gracious New Lessons that
Shed Light on Soulful Living
As indicated, this new title is the second volume in a series. The initial book, entitled Adventure of Being Human: Lessons on Soulful Living from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation (Origin Press, 2011), was the first introduction for the public of the transmissions of the two central deity-personalities of the Urantia revelation, “Mother Spirit” and “Christ Michael” (or Jesus Christ). This second volume focuses exclusively on Mother Spirit because of the fast-growing interest around the world in the divine feminine.The lessons supplied in the present volume, like the first, are adapted to the unique problems in our times, and the result is this selection of carefully edited transcripts. In addition, this volume pursues two related objectives:
To amplify the core spiritual teachings ofThe Urantia Book, a purported revelatory text first published in 1955. The lengthy Urantia Revelation has quietly sold over one million copies worldwide and is now translated into 12 languages. It provides a new cosmology for our age, and also offers a 700+ page biography of Jesus that is claimed to be based on the angelic record of his life on earth. This new version of his life also narrates the lost story of twelve “female” apostles, led by Mary Magdelene.
To acquaint readers for the very first time with his “divine feminine” counterpart of Jesus Christ, whose existence is one of the supreme revelations of the Urantia text. She is affectionately known to us as “Mother Spirit,” or simply “Mother.”
As taught in the Urantia text, Jesus Christ (or “Michael”) and Mother Spirit are our “universe parents”—in fact, Mother Spirit can be thought of as the heavenly consort and the co-equal deity-partner of Michael. Michael and Mother Spirit also maintain, by virtue of their divine omniscience, loving and intimate contact with their sons and daughters. What, then, is the Urantia Revelation? Purported to be a modern revelation to humankind, The Urantia Book comes across at first glance as a two-thousand-page futuristic encyclopedia of spirituality, history, philosophy, science, and religion. The teachings spread out among the book’s 2,096 pages greatly augment our understanding of ethics, health, happiness, love, service, forgiveness, mercy, friendship, marriage, and spirituality—topics that Michael and Mother Spirit further discuss with elegance in The Adventure of Being Human series.
Sample quotes from Mother Spirit:
“The religious goal of the ages is the consciousness of spirit. This goal is what you share with all those who have gone before and blazed the way. We assure you that, as these predecessors found their way, so too can you find one that is uniquely yours. For this is your most precious contribution to all those about you. It’s what others could never create: you, in all your fullness.”
“Love is essentially a power, a divine force in the cosmos bringing and holding personal beings together. As a dynamic power it cannot be held still, captured, or possessed. Love only exists in the very use of it. You can best realize God’s unfathomable love for you by feeling it and giving it away. “
“When all is said and done, my children, you are a unique, creative personality. When all things are taken into consideration—even what you feel to be our answers to your prayers—still, it is you stepping off. It is you doing the deed. It is you who needs to stay open, bright-eyed, and open-minded to the results.”
Mother Spirit’s Lessons:
1 Rest Deeply in Your Home Base of Spirit
2 The Liberating Power of Truth
3 Knowing Another Soul Transforms You
4 This Evolving Cosmos Is Your Home
5 The Intellectual Dimension of Being Human
6 Do Your Personality and Soul Reincarnate?
7 Your Quest for Personality Unification
8 Sensing Pure Spirit in Self and Others
9 Expressing the Presence of Spirit
10 The Treasure of Your Curiosity
11 The Siblinghood of Personal Beings
12 Feeling the Spirit Makes You More Real
13 Learning to Thrive on Uncertainty
14 Responding Well to Hard Times
15 Facing Adversity with Deepening Love
16 The Partnership of Courage and Curiosity
17 Asking for God’s Will—Breaking Old Habits
18 Fulfilling Your Human Experience
19 A Universe of Personal Beings to Embrace
20 Practicing Goodness for Its Own Sake