The Adventure of Being Human II:
Mother Spirit Speaks
More Lessons on Soulful Living
from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation
Transmitted and edited by Jerry Lane
$14.95 trade paperback • 155 pages • glossary and appendices
Pub date: March 15, 2015 • Origin Press/Celestia • 9781579830359
The Jesus that we encounter in the New Testament loved to teach and heal. He ministered to ordinary people in everyday settings, often using simple metaphors and stories that could reach the common people of those days. But what if there were—now living among us today—an equivalent female teacher? According to The Adventure of Being Human II: Mother Spirit Speaks (Origin Press, March 15, 2015), such a feminine minister is here and is once again teaching ordinary folks—for our true Divine Mother is omnipresent in the spirit as a living reality. Bringing her presence to the world’s attention is the mission of this second volume in the Adventure of Being Human series.Known in some circles as “Mother Spirit,” this new teacher is considered to be the feminine co-equal of Jesus Christ. And she is knocking on many doors in these times of crisis. [learn more]
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Healing a Broken World:
The Grassroots Guide to a Socially Sustainable Future
By Daniel Raphael, PhD, with Byron Belitsos
Paperback: $12.95
eBook: $5.95
120 pages • Appendices • Glossary
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Learn how citizen teams can design sustainable institutions
with assistance from celestial planetary managers
(as heard on Gaiam TV and
Civilizations come and go, and some rise to great heights, but all of them eventually collapse. Yet, what if we could build cultures and civilizations that thrive, not just for a few centuries, but into the far distant future? According to Healing a Broken World: The Grassroots Guide to a Socially Sustainable Future (Origin Press, 2013), we can now co-create such a world with the help of . . .[learn more]

The Adventure of Being Human:
Lessons on Soulful Living from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation
Transmitted by Jerry Lane • Edited by Byron Belitsos
$14.95 trade paperback (published June 2012)
Origin Press/Celestia • 257 pages
In The Adventure of Being Human, you’ll meet the two most beloved creator beings depicted in The Urantia Book: Christ Michael (or Jesus) and Mother Spirit, who is Michael’s coequal divine consort. You also receive a beginner’s introduction to the Urantia Revelation itself, through background materials, a comprehensive glossary, and much more. This profound but often humorous guide depicts how our divine parents see us with eyes of affection and how they regard the challenge of being human — and also explains why our lives on a complex and dangerous planet offer an ideal setting for the adventure of soul growth. This book is the fifth in our series based on the continuing revelation known as the Celestial Teaching Mission, which offers supplemental teachings that amplify the epochal revelations of The Urantia Book. This compilation provides cheerful lessons selected from the first year of Michael and Mother Spirit’s “live” transmission sessions in a humble living room in Mill Valley, California. Highly personal and often endearing, these instructions on the art of soulful living render the spiritual import of The Urantia Book more accessible than ever before. Learn more about it here.
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Jerry Lane is a retired carpenter and project foreman with a masters degree in creative writing who has transmitted lessons from Michael and Mother for the last eight years. Byron Belitsos is an award-winning publisher who has been editor of many acclaimed books, including The Center Within and A Return to Healing. Both are long-time students of The Urantia Book who reside in Marin County, CA.
The Adventure of Being Human: Lessons on Soulful Living from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation
Transmitted by Jerry Lane • Edited by Byron Belitsos $14.95 trade paperback (published June 2012) Origin Press/Celestia • 257 pages
In The Adventure of Being Human, you’ll meet the two most beloved creator beings depicted in The Urantia Book: Christ Michael (or Jesus) and Mother Spirit, who is Michael’s coequal divine consort. You also receive a beginner’s introduction to the Urantia Revelation itself, through background materials, a comprehensive glossary, and much more. This profound but often humorous guide depicts how our divine parents see us with eyes of affection and how they regard the challenge of being human — and also explains why our lives on a complex and dangerous planet offer an ideal setting for the adventure of soul growth. This book is the fifth in our series based on the continuing revelation known as the Celestial Teaching Mission, which offers supplemental teachings that amplify the epochal revelations of The Urantia Book. This compilation provides cheerful lessons selected from the first year of Michael and Mother Spirit’s “live” transmission sessions in a humble living room in Mill Valley, California. Highly personal and often endearing, these instructions on the art of soulful living render the spiritual import of The Urantia Book more accessible than ever before. Learn more about it here.
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Jerry Lane is a retired carpenter and project foreman with a masters degree in creative writing who has transmitted lessons from Michael and Mother for the last eight years. Byron Belitsos is an award-winning publisher who has been editor of many acclaimed books, including The Center Within and A Return to Healing. Both are long-time students of The Urantia Book who reside in Marin County, CA.