The first time I encountered a book authored by Timothy Wyllie was over 20 years ago, when I happened on Dolphins, ETs, and Angels (Bear & Co., 1992)—probably the first book anywhere to provide an in-depth discussion of The Urantia Book. Before long, I came to be both Timothy’s friend and a big fan of his work. I even went on to publish one of his books, Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences (Origin Press, 2000). Timothy brings to his fine art (highly original graphic illustrations) and his many writings a unique and independent point of view, which he combines with decades of the hard-won wisdom that he chronicles in all of his books. For these and other reasons, I can easily say that Timothy writings are an essential for students of the Urantia Revelation.
As he reveals in our interview, Timothy first began his lifelong study of nonhuman intelligences—including angels, ETs, dolphins—after a profound near-death experience in 1973. In our interview, he reports that he encountered several distinct scenes, including a figure who seemed like Jesus; an encounter with a
ngels who healed him (he was dying at the time); and then “bank upon bank” of singing and worshipping angels. Perhaps it’s no surprise then, that Timothy has become best known for his angel books. These include Ask Your Angels (Random House, 1992—coauthored with two others), an international bestseller that was translated into ten languages, and more recently The Return of the Rebel Angels (Inner Traditions/Bear & Co., 2011).
This latter title led to a controversial series of additional books (with the same publisher) that began with Confessions of a Rebel Angel (2012), and which stretches out to eight volumes, four of which are in print so far. These unprecedented nonfiction books chiefly concern Earth’s pre-history, and they especially fill in huge gaps in the Urantia Book’s narrative regarding events after the default of Caligastia. Timothy coauthored this detailed narrative with an angelic being named Georgia, who was present as a “watcher” for these epochal events, and who is anxious to tell her story. (Don’t miss Timothy’s interview about the rebel angel series at
And as if that was not enough, just now available is Timothy’s first fictional work, a mythic fable called The Helianx Proposition (Daynal Institute Press, 2015). He calls this is “a bardic literary work thirty years in the making—featuring fine-art illustrations and offering a post-modern creation myth that explores the deeper symbolic purpose and meaning of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden story.” It’s also been called a cosmic tale that follows in the tradition of William Blake’s illuminated books—a science fiction-fantasy in the form of calligraphic poetry accompanied by rich commentary, along with over seventy fine art full-color images.
I think you will agree that Timothy has some rather interesting things to share, so I urge you to have a listen to our interview and get to know his published works. This link is his official website. Here’s a recent comprehensive interview by Offplanet Radio.