Friends, enjoy this visionary presentation by my friend Barbara Kazen…


Presented by Barbara Anne Kazen
Light & Life Community quarterly meeting
March 21, 2021

Prolepsis. The theme of our meeting this evening is “the assumption of a future act as if it is presently existing or accomplished”. God sees our fusion with our indwelling Thought Adjuster as an accomplished fact. We are told that when a person has “made the supreme decision, has entered into a solemn and sincere betrothal with the Adjuster” the Adjuster “looks beforehand to the time of actual fusion and reckons the union as an event of fact.” (Paper 109, Section 2, Paragraph 4.)

The presence of Thought Adjusters in mortal man “reveals the essential unity of the universe, for man, the lowest possible type of universe personality, contains within himself an actual fragment of the highest and eternal reality, even the original Father of all personalities.” (Paper 117, Section 3, Paragraph 9.) The bestowal of Christ Michael’s Spirit on Pentecost, prepared all normal men’s minds for the subsequent universal bestowal of the Father’s Spirit. In a sense, Pentecost was the original, spontaneous illumination where the Spirit of Truth was bestowed upon mankind and every soul received Him in accordance with the love for truth and the capacity to grasp and comprehend spiritual realities.

Yet, despite the fact that since Pentecost all normal minds on earth have been blessed with the presence of this powerful Fragment of the First Source and Center, very few people are even aware of this amazing presence within them. Bringing about such ignorance of the knowledge and presence of the Father was the agenda of Lucifer that was implemented by our Planetary Prince, Caligastia, when he chose to align himself with Lucifer. The first statement of Lucifer’s Manifesto was that the Universal Father does not really exist.

In the Magisterial Son & Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call of February 28, 2021, transmitted by Donna D’Ingillo, Monjornson tells us that “Lucifer wanted his system to reflect his own thinking and design. And in that deviation, he took it upon himself to interfere with [our] ability to perceive the Father.”

In these Correcting Times, we are experiencing an unprecedented infusion of Spiritual Energy as well as enhanced Thought Adjuster Circuits. What other “unexpected and unprecedented events” might take place on this “sentimental shrine of all Nebadon” ?

The book, The Miracle of the Illumination of All Consciences, was written by Thomas W. Petrisko in 2003. Dr. Petrisko was the President of the Pittsburgh Center for Peace from 1990 to 1998 and he served as editor of the Center’s special newspapers, which primarily featured the apparitions and revelations of the Blessed Mother, Mary. He has written seventeen books, including The Fatima Prophesies. The Miracle has been spoken of as “a great day”, a day when every person on earth will simultaneously “see” the state of their soul through God’s eyes, after which the world will never be the same.

In The Illumination, Dr. Petrisko traces the known history of the prophecy of the Miracle. He concludes that the prophecy of St. Edmund Campion, who lived in London from 1540 until his death as a martyr in 1581, is the oldest, most specific prophecy attributable to the miracle of the illumination. His prophecy was “I pronounced a great day, not wherein any temporal potentate should minister, but wherein the Terrible Judge should reveal all men’s consciences and try every man of each kind of religion. This is the day of change….”

Other prophesies were the following:

The Venerable Holzhauser, who died in 1658: “The hand of Almighty God will work a marvelous change, something apparently impossible according to human understanding.”

Elizabeth Canori-Mora, who died in 1825: “Then a “great light” appeared upon the earth which was the ‘sign of the reconciliation’ of God with man.

Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, who died in 1836: “A great purification will come upon the world preceded by an ‘illumination of conscience’ in which everyone will see themselves as God sees them.”

Mayence, who died in 1854: “The good God shall save all. It will be like a sign of the Last Judgment.”

Similar prophesies have continued up to the time of the writing of The Illumination in 2003. The “miracle” is known by various names, the “illumination of conscience”, the “warning” the “judgment in miniature” and many more. The author and devotee of the Fatima apparitions, John Haffert, explained in his book. entitled The Great Event published in 2000, that this would be a “great event”.

The Illumination attempts to summarize the common elements in all the prophesies. Some of these are as follows:

1) The great transformation that will occur from the Illumination will be unlike any religious transformation before, for it will come totally from “within” not without. It will come from “deep within hearts”.

2) Our response to the Illumination will be like a declaration of love for the Father. But God will not force His will upon anyone.

3) Each person will have a different degree of response to the awakening.

4) The “miracle” cannot be prevented. It will last only “a short time.”

5) From the miracle all souls will know that God exists, although they can reject this knowledge.

6) Many will reject the illumination, and move even farther away from God.

7) The Illumination will be “seen” and “felt”.

8) The miracle will be experienced everywhere at the same time.

9) The illumination will, in essence, be a miracle of the heart—from God’s heart to the hearts of His children.The Website, entitled “Prepare for Change”, was established in 2013. On their Home page they refer to the “Planetary Shift” which is called “The Event”. The call for preparation is for the “Victory of Light.”

They state: “The energy from the Central Sun will stimulate a flash or special kind of light from the sun that permeates the earth and humanity, raising the frequencies of all living entities on the planet.” “The unfolding of love and truth has been written about and spoken of by the great prophets, sages and mystics of all cultures for thousands of years.”

In Chris Maurus’ editorial, “The Day of Equilibrium”, he describes vivid dreams and insights that he has had over a period of years where he sees “every man-made system in the world suddenly stop”…”all people world-wide stop what they are doing, get out of their cars, beds, cubicles, and appointments, and stare into space as if they are astonished by some invisible presence—not outside of themselves, but from inside—from their own mind and consciousness.” He describes the experience as a “divine and loving vibration” that sweeps through every cell of your body, “a peace that surpasses all understanding” and “you feel a profound sense of well-being—you are enraptured in a blanket of warm ecstasy. Thoughts begin flooding your mind from a Source of great love and authority, and there is an understanding in these thoughts at a higher level than your present awareness can comprehend, but you instinctively understand all that is conveyed.” Isn’t this as the visionaries and saints have foretold?

We all recognize a disdain for being “rescued” by miracles. But we are told in the Urantia book that because revealed truth was threatened with extinction during the millenniums which followed the miscarriage of the Adamic mission, Machiventa Melchizedek volunteered to do that which had been done only six times in all the history of Nebadon, to personalize on earth as a temporary man of the realm, to bestow himself as an emergency Son of world Ministry.

And, in Paper 93, Section 10: “…it is altogether possible that Machiventa Melchizedek may again appear in person on Urantia and in some modified manner resume the role of the dethroned Planetary Prince, or else appear on earth to function as vicegerent Planetary Prince representing Christ Michael, who now actually holds the title of Planetary Prince of Urantia. While it is far from clear to us as to what Machiventa’s destiny may be, nevertheless, events which have so recently taken place strongly suggest that the foregoing conjectures are probably not far from the truth.”

“We well understand how, by his triumph on Urantia, Michael became the successor of both Caligastia and Adam; how he became the planetary Prince of Peace and the second Adam. And now we behold the conferring upon this Melchizedek of the title Vicegerent Planetary Prince of Urantia. Will he also be constituted Vicegerent Material Son of Urantia? Or is there a possibility that an unexpected and unprecedented event is to take place, the sometime return to the planet of Adam and Eve or certain of their progeny as representatives of Michael with the titles Vicegerents of the second Adam of Urantia?”

One thing is very clear, that Michael, as a Master Son may freely rule his universe in accordance with his concept of the needs of his realms. “A Master Son may at will vary the order of the spiritual adjudication and evolutionary adjustment of the inhabited planets. And such Sons do make and carry out the plans of their own choosing in all matters of special planetary needs, in particular regarding the worlds of their creature sojourn and still more concerning the realm of terminal bestowal, the planet of incarnation in the likeness of mortal flesh. (Paper 21, Section 5, Paragraph 6).

In the transmissions by Donna of Monjoronson’s messages to us, we are being asked to focus on moral courage and clear perception to infuse the mind circuits so our brothers and sisters can feel the fortifying energy that will enhance their ability to recognize right over wrong, truth over error, goodness over evil, and to have the fortitude and the strength to let their minds be moved in this direction.

And in the most recent 1111 transmission received by Chris Maurus, on March 18, 2021, we are told that because of the unusual circumstances throughout our planetary history and the Lucifer rebellion that changed the intended path of our evolution, “there are now “countermeasures” in place to carefully guide souls during this transition period that they may become more aware that they are the beloved children of a loving Creator Father. The enhanced circuits are working to bring dark consciousness to light and deception is more easily discerned and questioned. “Justice serves to bring awareness to injustice—progress is the result of light shining on darkness.”

Perhaps at the point of sufficient mass consciousness, the Miracle of Illumination and Chris’ vision could occur, which would set the stage for any one of the “unexpected and unprecedented” events described in Paper 93.