
These Zoomcasts below, plus our many other video programs,
can also be found at the Evolving Souls Community Youtube Channel

Evolving Souls Zoomcast #5 • 75-minute program • November 17, 2017
Dustin DiPerna, a very senior student of Ken Wilber, has become a leading advocate for the synthesis of integral theory and the world’s great wisdom traditions. Wilber has publicly declared that Dustin’s work “fundamentally alters the way in which religion or spirituality can (and should) be taught and practiced.” Dustin’s work has been a big help in my own advocacy for applying integral theory to the cosmic spirituality of the UB. For the past 9 years, Dustin has been practicing and studying in the Buddhist spiritual lineages of Mahamudra and Dzogchen under the direction of Daniel P. Brown, who was also one of my own teachers. Listen to this interview if you want to equip yourself with an intellectually rigorous orientation to spiritual transformation in terms of the latest findings in integral theory and consciousness studies—in dialogue with the wisdom of The Urantia Book.

Evolving Souls Zoomcast #4 • 90-minute program • November 5, 2017
A Dialogue with Prof. Ted Peters of the
Graduate Theological Union (UC Berkeley)

This 90-minute interview with Ted Peters, PhD. is a milestone. Ted is one of the very rare academics who is open to public dialogue about the Urantia Revelation. Dr. Peters is professor emeritus in systematic theology at the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), which is part of University of California at Berkeley. This animated discussion covers topics of common interest, including cosmology, the nature of God, the idea of the soul, ethics, and more. In many ways this interview is unprecedented.

Evolving Souls Zoomcast #3 • 60-minute program • October 16, 2017
Q & A Session with Evolving Souls Founder, Byron Belitsos

Our scheduled speaker had to postpone, so this month’s one-hour Zoomcast offered a chance for E-S founder Byron Belitsos to share his current thinking on “Urantia Book fundamentalism,” the problem of reincarnation, soul-making dynamics, personality unification, and other topics related to his recent work. The entire show is linked above, but we also edited four pieces into shorter videos (each one is a link):
* “Urantia Revelation is serious, but hold it lightly“ (4 minutes)
* “Personality unification and circle-making” (5 minutes)
* “The centrality of experience in soul-making” (11 minutes)
* “Q & A session on The Urantia Book“ (40 minutes)

Evolving Souls Zoomcast #2 • 60-minute program • September 18, 2017
States and Stages of Consciousness: With Allan Combs, PhD

This interview is with Allan Leslie Combs, one of the world’s leading consciousness researchers and systems theorists. Combs is the director of the Center for Consciousness Studies at CIIS (California Institute of Integral Studies) and the author of over 200 articles, chapters, and books on consciousness and the brain, including Consciousness Explained Better (2009) and The Radiance of Being (2002), and Synchronicity (2001). Professor Combs is the founder of The Society for Consciousness Studies and a founding member of the Integral Institute and the Club of Budapest. Allan’s work has been crucial for all of us interested in the enigmatic relationship between states of consciousness and higher levels of consciousness. Much of this puzzle was solved by the well-known Wilber-Combs Lattice, which I cover in my book Your Evolving Soul. Both Ken Wilber and Allan Combs discovered this relationship independently, but it turns out that the Urantia Revelation offered a similar distinction decades before these two pioneers.

Inaugural Evolving Souls Zoomcast! • 75-minute program • Series host: Byron Belitsos • August 20, 2017
Awakening the Universal Human: With Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard

This special podcast picks up the thread of a newly initiated dialogue between the Urantia community and renowned futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard. This relationship of mutual understanding began at the International Urantia Conference in Denver (July 19-22, 2017), where Barbara gave a remarkable keynote speech. In this plenary talk, Barbara acknowledged the affinities between her views about conscious evolution and the teachings of The Urantia Book. This follow-up discussion highlights such questions such as:
• How can we foster the growth of the unified field of love that is often associated with the divine feminine?
• How will this growth support the emergence of a new species of humankind, the Homo Universalis?
• What are key areas of wisdom associated with the Urantia Revelation, and how does its version of practical spirituality relate to today’s evolutionary spirituality?