For any inquiries, or to join our L&L Community update list:
Email co-founder Byron Belitsos:
Embracing the Mystery
of Divine Visitation
(Scroll down to learn more)

Selected recordings and
other resources (earliest to latest):
1. Brief personal Zoom introductions HERE
(Suggest: start at 1:00 and go to 5:50)
Meet the co-founders of LLC:
Meredith, Byron, and Dave (March 14, 2020)

2. Inaugural LLC Zoom meeting HERE (March 20, 2020)
See especially Dave and Mer’s special presentation at
35:00–37:35, including three affirmations:
• Beloved Magisterial Son, you are welcome here
• We offer ourselves in service to your Mission
• We await your coming with faith and thanksgiving

3. LLC Zoom meeting #2 HERE (April 25, 2020)
Featuring veteran UB reader Robert Sarmast
(Suggest: start at 5:00)

4. LLC Zoom meeting #3 HERE (June 1, 2020)
Featuring veteran UB historian Barbara Newsom
(We suggest viewing this entire recording)
Required reading for this interview:
“Guess Who’s Coming Next!” (Kendall)

5. Three-hour LLC recording of the historic first
Convened on July 26, 2020
Summit Speakers:
Byron Belitsos, author of Your Evolving Soul (2018), Donna D’Ingillo founder of the Institute for Christ Consciousness, Barbara Newson is a founder and director of the Urantia Historical Society, Robert Sarmast, the author of Discovery of Atlantis (2006) and founder of, David Tenney, PhD is a retired psychologist and health administrator, a veteran Urantia, and Meredith Tenney, trained as both an attorney and a nurse, andcofounder of the Garden Project.

6. In this meeting on Dec 6, 2020, we discuss the passing of
Carolyn Kendall (veteran Urantia leader) and George
Barnard (cofounder of the 11:11 Progress Group).
Recording HERE.
Barbara Newsom, who collaborated for decades with Carolyn Kendall, tells the story of how Carolyn joined the Forum in late 1951 and later working directly for Dr. Sadler. Barbara discusses her subsequent important work and this seminal 2009 article, “Guess Who Comes Next”—a must-read about the Magisterial Mission.Chris Maurus discusses the long life of service of George Barnard, who worked extensively work with Midwayers and other celestials as part of the 11:11 Progress Group. All those working on the Magisterial Mission should consult George’s rich website,

7. Mini-summit on concept of prolepsis, defined as:
“assuming a future act as if it is presently existing
or accomplished.” (March 21, 2021)
Recording HERE
Talk 1: “The Miracle of Illumination”
Presented by Barbara Kazen, JD.
(A written version of her talk is
here: “Miracle of Illumination.”)
Talk 2: Love-Based Living
Presented by Dave Tenney, PhD
Talk 3: Light & Life, What We Are
Presented by Rob Davis
* * * * *
Original Announcement of the
Light & Life Community Concept

Blending faith in the Gospel with our
progressive obligation to the Supreme
Urantia Book students have long sought an in-person format for group communion, genuine service, and balanced personal growth—in addition to deep study. In that light, we suggest you consider forming a Light & Life Group (LLG) in your locality as an adjunct to your study group. A key purpose of the Light & Life Community is to look toward the approaching Magisterial Mission, and we envision our LLGs as part of the “ground crew” for welcoming the Avonal Son and his entourage.
Starting an LLG signifies your faith in our world’s future achievement of the Era of Light and Life, which we are taught is inaugurated by a Magisterial Mission. Founding an LLG enacts this goal right now, setting in motion your faith in the Gospel as well as your progressive obligation to the Supreme Being. As stated, the LLG approach also heralds the promised Magisterial Mission, an essential step on the path to planetary reclamation. (See Paper 20:2–4)
As we see it, Light & Life Groups will some day comprise a worldwide, ecumenical communion called Light & Life Communities. LLGs are beginning to form across the U.S., and we envision LLGs in countries all over the world. Our founders are Meredith Tenney, Dave Tenney, and Byron Belitsos, all veteran UB readers. (Scroll down to see personal essays by Byron and Meredith.) A working draft of our concept and structure is below; it is now under discussion by those around the country who have signaled their interest.

An Introductory Letter
by Meredith Tenney
FEBRUARY 17, 2020
Dear friends and universe citizens:
Thank you for your time in considering the actions Byron, Dave and I would like to propose. Our world faces cascading cataclysms fueled by corporate greed and materialism, climate change, wars in the Middle East, faulty leadership, over population and global pandemic. If there was ever a time when we needed celestial assistance, it is now. We mortals, being human, are slow to change until our backs are against the wall, however, the challenges we face are so daunting that many of us are perhaps ready to reconsider how we live our lives. It seems to me that our planetary administrators, who must lead the world in a great turning towards Light and Life, will choose just such a time for a new visitation. When I watch what is transpiring without and listen within, it seems to me that that time is coming soon.
If the …
First Epochal Revelation was the arrival of our Planetary Prince
Second Epochal Revelation the arrival of our Material Son and Daughter, Adam and Eve
Third Epochal Revelation was the arrival of Machiventa Melchizedek
Fourth Epochal Revelation was the arrival of Michael incarnated as Jesus
How does it make sense that the Fifth Epochal Revelation is solely a book? I have long believed that the Urantia Book was sent here as a guide to prepare a group of people who could support the next visitation and assist with the work of global transformation. If that’s the case, why doesn’t the UB just say that forthrightly? As I pondered that question this morning, it came to me that maybe the Urantia Book does say
that clearly. Perhaps we, like the apostles who were unable to ‘hear’ Jesus telling them that he was about to die and be resurrected, have been unready to accept what the book has said plainly all along. Consider the following passages:
195:9.2 (2082.7) A new and fuller revelation of the religion of Jesus is destined to conquer an empire of materialistic secularism and to overthrow a world sway of mechanistic naturalism. Urantia is now quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment.
195:9.5 (2083.1) The modern age will refuse to accept a religion which is inconsistent with facts and out of harmony with its highest conceptions of truth, beauty, and goodness. The hour is striking for a rediscovery of the true and original foundations of present-day distorted and compromised Christianity — the real life and teachings of Jesus.
114:1.4 (1251.3) Some believe that Machiventa will not come to take personal direction of Urantian affairs until the end of the current dispensation. Others hold that the vicegerent Prince may not come, as such, until Michael sometime returns to Urantia as he promised when still in the flesh. Still others, including this narrator, look for Melchizedek’s appearance any day or hour.
170:4.15 (1863.13) Jesus referred one phase of the kingdom to the future and did, on numerous occasions, intimate that such an event might appear as a part of a world crisis.
In further answer to Peter’s question, Jesus said:
And when the kingdom shall have come to its full fruition, be assured that the Father in heaven will not fail to visit you with an enlarged revelation of truth and an enhanced demonstration of righteousness, even as he has already bestowed upon this world him who became the prince of darkness, and then Adam, who was followed by Melchizedek, and in these days, the Son of Man. And so will my Father continue to manifest his mercy and show forth his love, even to this dark and evil world. 176:2.3 (1914.4)
“Quivering on the brink”, “The hour is striking”, “Look for Melchizedek’s appearance any day or any hour”, “as part of a world crisis” , “after receiving an enlarged revelation of truth” – The UB does not give us a date and time for the arrival of the next visitation, however one could reasonably conclude that we are admonished to expect it soon. It is my heart’s desire to assist in global transformation and in preparing for the Magisterial Mission whenever it comes, and I suppose that is why I’ve spent the last decade striving to rebuild the Garden. However, in recent months I’ve become clearer, that although I believe planting seeds about the Garden was important, I don’t believe the Garden itself, will be re-established until the next visitation arrives and we once again have a visible planetary administration and headquarters.
For some of us, sitting in study groups debating the fine points of the Urantia Book is no longer enough. What, then, can we do to link arms with our celestial bretheren and help move the world towards Light and Life? How can we assist a coming Magisterial Mission? Dave, Byron, and I are cultivating Light and Life Community Groups where we hope believers will be inspired to hold the space for the arrival of a visitation by meeting in communion together. Such groups could also adopt practices consistent with Light and Life and provide a safe place where the Magisterial Son could be welcomed and supported in the early days of the mission. “Tents” if you will, even as Machiventa once walked into the tent of the Chaldean herder, Amdon, and found hospitality. We encourage each of you to look within your own hearts to determine if what we are about resonates in your soul. If so, we invite you to join us.

Original Statement
of Our Organizational Vision:
Foster local communities of like-minded UB students known as Light & Life Groups (LLGs)
that are committed to progress toward Light and Life through communion, study, and service.
Elements of the Mission:
• Local meetings of in-person groups willing to carry out the “Light & Life Vision” (above)
• Substantial time spent in prayer, communion, and stillness at LLG meetings
• Attention to the real needs of LLG members and (optionally) the surrounding community
• Study of the UB regarding Light & Life, Jesus’s teachings, and our obligation to the Supreme
• Explore information on the Magisterial Mission and its relationship to planetary transformation
Governance of LLGs:
General: An LLG meets in-person at least once per month. The group agrees to the Vision and Mission, which it interprets according to local needs. All LLGs participate in a monthly online national (or global) meeting for study, communion, and discussion. The founders recommend that an LLG hold a communion supper each month.
Recommended governance provisions:
1. LLGs worship, study, and serve together; LLG conveners facilitate these activities
2. New members are always welcome, and are invited by group consensus
3. Members may be excluded using Jesus’s 3-stop method (159:0.1 and Matt. 18:15)
4. Isolated individuals can be members-at-large (and may convene with us online monthly)
5. During Year 1, the founders (“Core LLG”) will lead; they may appoint co-leaders
6. The Core LLG will rotate out after the first year, to be replaced via annual elections
7. Conveners meet with the Core LLG quarterly; all-member meetings occur yearly
Local autonomy:
LLGs may set up their own governance beyond the above provisions, but are asked to communicate these provisions to the Core via their convener. Service projects are up to the local group. LLGs focus first on immediate needs of the group members; optionally, LLGs can add local service projects; still others could work on specific service tasks directly related to the promoting the Urantia Revelation, the Magisterial Mission, or bringing about Light and Life.
For inquiries, or to join our L&L Community update list:
Email summit co-producer Byron Belitsos:
Embracing the Mystery
of Divine Visitation
by Byron Belitsos

We invite you to walk with Mer, Dave, and myself as we follow the leadership of our designated Magisterial Son. This Mission is a delight in itself, but it has a single purpose—moving out planet out of its current crisis and toward its evolutionary goal, the Age of Light and Life.
The Urantia Revelation tells us that a Magisterial Mission (MM) will and must happen. Such a visitation is required to end this dispensation and move toward global justice, universal peace, and spiritual enlightenment on Urantia. In fact, the MM is divinely designed to lead us there step-by-step. We believe our LLG groups are an early step in that direction.
The Coming of the Spiritual Springtime
One way to see this transition is that the human elites who now rule our planet will be phased out, and a Paradise-origin being will take their place. We realiz
e that this claim of transformation by divine intervention is a radical one. As Carl Sagan would put it, big claims require big evidence. As we see it, one of our group activities as a network of LLGs is to search out the evidence for what Jesus called “the ripening of the age.” As a reminder, here is a famous admonition by Jesus just a few days be fore his death:
“But you should be wise regarding the ripening of an age; you should be alert to discern the signs of the times. when the world has passed through the long winter of material-mindedness and you discern the coming of the spiritual springtime of a new dispensation, you should know that the summertime of a new visitation draws near.” (176:2.6)
Early Evidence of the MM Visitation
But what if the “springtime” of the advent of the Magisterial Son is a decade away? Or what if it takes much longer than that? Why get involved so soon? One answer is that we can bask in his presence right now, because we have received indications that the Avonal Son has been here in spirit since at least 2003.
Yes, there have definitely been false starts in this direction. But what we can rely on is that (1) he has called himself Monjoronson, and (2) the empirical reality that diverse groups have received hundreds of transmissions in which he speaks in his own name. [See below for links to these transmissions at footnote 1]
It’s Never Too Early To Begin
We believe that we can draw on the Paradise power of our Magisterial Son and feel his loving presence right now. And we further think that, by drawing on his energies along with those of our Divine Parents, we will be inspired to build our Light & Life Groups and to live into this future state. To actually be light and life.
Our nascent LLGs will be like a dress rehearsal for the MM, and we expect Monjoronson’s advent will begin with his visits to LLG groups that have become well-prepared. It’s never too early to prep for this merciful mission of the Paradise Son incarnate, who stems from the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. The Hebrew people prepared for and watched for their Messiah for centuries. Many still do. Muslims look for the appearance any day of the Mahdi. Buddhists have long believed in the advent of the Maitreya (the Buddha of the future).
Since ancient times we’ve witnessed three great epochal blessings on the order and status of the MM: Machiventa’s incarnation; Michael’s incarnation, and the UB itself. So such a radical visitation is not unprecedented.
Become an “MM Preppie”
The ripening of the age is upon us, so why not become the “ground crew” for the “landing” of the Magisterial Son on Urantia? And don’t forget that the Avonal Son comes with a staff of 12 incarnated Melchizedeks, as the Urantia text tells us. It’s not too early for us to become MM preppies.
[1] How to Find the Magisterial Son’s Teachings You will find voluminous materials posted at the archive called This transmission HERE, from 2005, is just one of the many formal announcements of the MM visitation. For access to many more teachings by Monjoronson, go to this link, look up his name, and click the resulting link to find his vast corpus:

For inquiries, or to join our L&L Community update list:
Email summit co-producer Byron Belitsos: