Interview with George Barnard of the 11:11 Progress Group
For several months I have been holding bimonthly “podcasts” with Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission leaders. My good friend Donna D’Ingillo co-hosts. I book the interviewees and then dialogue with our guests for a half hour. We open and close with prayer and meditation led by Donna, and we have Q&A time too.
This week
I interviewed George Barnard, who called in from Australia to discuss his extensive work with Midwayers and other celestials as part of the 11:11 Progress Group. If you are new to this very important work on our planet, I suggest that you first review his very rich website,, and that you also peruse my special blog post on the 11:11 phenomenon for general background. The Urantia Book, of course, was the source that first introduced us to the amazing Midway Creatures, special beings who exist energetically at a point “midway” between humans and angels (i.e., seraphim).
The MP3 of my interview with George (which includes two prayer sessions) is HERE. The actual interview begins about 10 minutes in.
Usually we have about 20 people call in, but this time we had almost 40 folks attend this session because George’s work has become so prominent since he launched it 15 years ago. There are several important surprises in store for you in this interview!
These are the questions we addressed to George:
1. How can we more fully participate with the Midwayers for healing?
2. We know that many new “off-planet” Midwayers have been added here on Urantia. You refer to some of these as “alien Midwayers.” Elsewhere it has been stated that rehabilitated “rebel Midwayers” have also been returned here. Can you clarify any of this? Are these two groups the same or different?
3. Who exactly are the Mentori? What sorts of special abilities do they have? How is their mission different from other celestials?
4. Over the years, a variety of people have transmitted news that an update of the Urantia Book is planned by the “Second Revelatory Commission.” In one case, it has been stated that Midwayer ABC – 3, called Bernadette, is now working on this project as a key writer. Do you have further information about any of this?
5. Many ufologists believe that there is a “genetic hybridization” program going in which selected humans are covertly mated with alien groups. Is this really the case, and if so, are the Midwayers involved? If it is really happening, what is its ultimate purpose? It has also been stated (by one source) that Adam, as one of his tasks as a member of the four and twenty counselors, oversees this hybridization project. Any comment on this?
6. Many believe that there is an institutional “clean-up” project going on right now all over Urantia, that involves a secret alliance of extraterrestrials, celestials, and humans. Its goal, they say, is to remove the remnants of Caligastia’s human followers on planet earth—as one part of the Correcting Time. Some call this the “global cabal”—and they purport that this group covertly controls major institutions worldwide including the world’s largest banks, using them as a fronts for criminal enterprises. Can you comment on any of this?
7. Are you and the Midwayers aware of the work of either of these two people: Drunvalo Melchizedek, and Cobra? If so, can you comment on one or both of them?