Exit the Matrix …
and Enter Cosmic Reality.
Liberating teachings for body, mind, soul, and spirit—
because your life depends on knowing the truth
WHEN: 2pm – 6pm, Saturday November 13
WHERE: Lake Ida West Park—in the Pavillion
1455 Lake Ida Rd, Delray Beach, FL 33444**
CHARGE: $10-$40 suggested (no one turned away)
**From the south take I-95 to W. Atlantic, go west (left) and then turn left (heading north) onto N. Congress. Turn right (heading east) onto Lake Ida Road. Just after I-95 underpass, turn left into Lake Ida Park WEST. Drive to the second right and park. We are in the pavillion nearest the restrooms. To receive more details, please pre-register now at: byron@originpress.com
Attend the next free 15-minute introduction:
Friday, October 29 at 5pm. RSVP first, and log on here:

Byron Belitsos
Award-winning author of Your Evolving Soul
Trained philosopher and theologian
Edmund F. Kuell III
Spiritual Nutrition Master
Intuitive healer and spiritual teacher
1pm: BODY
• Masks not required; no need to be vaccinated
• Learn life-saving strategies for interventions
• Tips for optimal immunity through enhanced lifestyle
In today’s world, the first step out of the Matrix is to transcend Covid anxiety. In this segment, we’ll show why (1) masks don’t help, (2) preventive and early intervention does work, and (3) boosting immunity is by far your best protection. We will invite you to drop media-induced Covid fear, both for the sake of better health and to enable spiritual progress. Remain cautious, become well-informed—and exit the Covid Matrix for good.
2pm: MIND
• Learn updated science about the benefits of meditation
• Tune in to the Spirit of Truth to enlighten your mind and heart
• Find out about a little-known epochal revelation—in book form
Our mind is God’s gift. A purified mind is more sensitive to truth, and a mind filled with truth is able to love others as we love ourselves. But to exit the Matrix, our mind must be freed of distraction and one-pointed. Only then can it attune to the frequencies of truth. The great wisdom traditions—especially Buddhism, Taoism, and Vedanta—teach us about the nature of consciousness, and Jesus taught ceaseless prayer and direct communion with the mind of God. In this unit, you will also learn about a great new revelation in book form, written for our time, that builds on these truths to liberate our minds from the Matrix.[1]
3pm: SOUL
• Discover why our soul evolves in this life and how it survives death
• Learn how “soul-synthesis” preserves our significant life experiences
• Learn surprising facts about what happens in the afterlife
Our soul is a nonphysical transcript of our most valuable life experiences. When we make spiritually significant decisions and carry them out, these experiences get deposited in and as our soul—and this process is known as soul-making or soul-synthesis. These “saved” experiences are soul memories; they become a potentially eternal possession. Our soul contains our immortalized memories, and it can survive death to become our new identity in the afterlife—that is, if we are willing to choose eternal life, which is the ultimate exit from the Matrix.
• Learn inspiring truths about our Indwelling Spirit—your Inner Voice
• Discover subtle methods for receiving clear guidance from this Spirit of God
• Drop eclecticism and find out how to practice “cosmic spirituality” each day
Our greatest endowment of all is known as “the Gift of the Divine Indwelling.” This is the crucial fact that God, the transcendent Creator of the universe, is also present within each one of us as a literal “fragment” of the essence of Deity. According to the Matrix, this cannot be so. Nonetheless, this God-within is a reality, and it loves us and guides us at all times. Because our indwelling God-entity knows us better than we know ourselves, it is able to accelerate our soul evolution and inspire our efforts at “becoming perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). This divine indweller is also known as “the God Fragment” or “Thought Adjuster” in The Urantia Book. It has been called the spark of God (Quakerism), the atman (Vedanta) or Buddha-nature (Buddhism). Cultivating a relationship with it entails engaging in sincere spiritual practices—including daily meditation, prayer, worship, and loving service. These especially allow you to exit the Matrix and enter cosmic reality.