It was an honor to appear on Ken Wilber’s channel in this 45-minue video interview with Jeff Salzman. Jeff is sympathetic with the perspectives I present, especially because a big part of my work aims at reconciling the Urantia Revelation with Wilber’s integral theory. Jeff is a big-hearted guy who asks sincere and penetrating questions. Be sure to page down to find the separate audio interview we did, which is more in depth.
Alfred Webre, an old friend, is the original founder of the Exopolotics movement, and lately has become well-known for his advanced work with the most exotic issues regarding off-planet life and universe law and politics. Thus, his affinity for the Urantia Revelation. There is something very gentle and receiving about Alfred, and as a result things went very well in this interview with him on November 24.
Being “o
n Noory” is always a thrill, and this two-hour show on August 7, 2017 is my favorite appearance with him so far. This is my fourth adventure with George going back to 2003, and something was different this time. He was more attentive and tuned in to the subject matter more than before, asking strong questions and following up with more searching queries. George is showing himself to be an increasingly loyal friend to the Urantia Revelation. (You must be a member to listen to this program.)
This lengthy interview on Inception Radio in August 2017 with the fearless and articulate host
Lorien Fenton is wide-ranging and rich with references to the paranormal aspect of my work.
This two-hour program in June 2017 with the versatile radio host Michael Vara of the LMN Network
is one of my favorites. Mike is relaxed and easy going, but he is inquisitive and well-informed. You can listen to it HERE.
Here is the video replay of a 2-hour slide presentation that I gave at “The Temple”
in Sebastopol, California in June 2017. The talk was entitled “Soul-Making, God Fusion,
and the Afterlife,” and is broken into three parts, including some very interesting Q&A.
This half-hour interview with Greg Voison, the veteran podcaster for Inside Personal Growth,
gets to the essence of my book, Your Evolving Soul. It was recorded in June 2017.
This special interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard was part of her “Cocreators Rising” series with the Shift Network; it especially covers the Urantia Revelation in relation to ET and celestial contact phenomena.
In this beautifully produced interview on GaiamTV, Byron explains how we can use ongoing celestial guidance to heal our broken planet and create a sustainable civilization. This interview with Regina Meredith on the Open Minds program was originally webcast November 12, 2013.
We are pleased that Om Times Magazine, which reaches over 100,000 in the U.S., has provided us with a cover story in its April 2014 edition—a long essay authored by Byron followed by a lengthy interview with Jerry Lane. Eighteen pages in all, this piece is unprecedented in the history of coverage of the Urantia Revelation–and is not to be missed!
Red Ice Radio, which is based in Sweden but has a large worldwide following, interviewed Byron for two hours on January 3. A nine-page transcription for this interview is here.
Book reviewer extraordinaire Miriam Knight, of New Consciousness Review, interviewed Byron by Skype and provides this link to the five-minute discussion.
Enjoy this December 26, 2012 interview with George Noory of Coast to Coast AM Radio here. Comments from a few of Noory’s hundreds of thousands of listeners to Byron’s appearance:
This wide-ranging interview on Mike Vara’s show
makes a good introduction to the Urantia Revelation.
This interview with Laura Eisenhower and Dr. Dream is notable because they had no previous acquaintance with the UB. (Interview starts after 7:00).
This is a no-holds-barred video (Skype) interview with Alfred Webre
of entitled “The End of the Lucifer Rebellion
and the Coming of the Avatar of Our Age”
Exclusive for Urantia Book readers:
“An Introduction to the Teaching Mission”
A special panel with three veteran Urantia Book students
(Recorded at the national conference of the Urantia Fellowship, August 2012)
A comment from a listener to our “Evolving Souls Teleseminars”:
“I have listened to the latest seminar twice. I think it was wonderful. Your broadend perspective on the Urantia teachingsis extremely helpful. The people that asked questions really were interesting with their dialog and comments.” —L.M.
“The Spiritual Import of 9/11”
A one-hour phone seminar with Byron Belitsos on September 11, 2012
(start listening HERE at 2:40)
“The Urgent Quest for Unity”
A one-hour phone seminar with Byron Belitsos on October 22, 2012
(on the occasion of United Nations Day and Global Oneness Day)
Topics: Urantia Book teachings on world democracy and the quest for the human unity.
Listen here for the mp3 recording of Byron’s
Teleseminar entitled “Revelation Meditation.”