Esoteric Easter
Discover the profound concluding
section of The Urantia Book

• Six total recorded videos
• Speaker: Byron Belitsos
• Covers Papers 170-195 in UB
• Available free for subscribers
The New Testament offers a profound chronicle of the life of Jesus. But humanity has evolved tremendously since the four Gospels and the Epistles were penned. Followers of Jesus are ready for an updated depiction of who Christ was and is. The Esoteric Easter series, which began on March 12 of 2018, grows from that conviction.
This series of talks and discussions, presented as a free service, offers a refreshed vision of Jesus and his teachings as we head toward Easter 2018 (April 1). We continue afterwards until April 16 as we follow the expanded description of Jesus’s resurrection appearances as uniquely revealed in The Urantia Book.

Open-minded Christians need to see Jesus in a new light—especially the esoteric side of his teachings and the spiritual
practices he taught. This study and commentary provided by Byron Belitsos, acclaimed author of Your Evolving Soul, is based on the revelatory unveiling of the life of Jesus presented in The Urantia Book, but also tracks for comparison with the traditional biblical accounts. We will focus especially on the last week of Jesus’s life, which was traditionally known as Holy Week or the Passion of Jesus. Because of the modernized story of Christ presented in the Urantia text, we can look beneath the old biblical narrative for an account of the hidden side of these events that have remained unrevealed until now. We will cover:
• The divinity of the cosmic Christ—a postmodern view of his incarnation
• The gospel teaching in its full flowering as presented anew in the Urantia text
• A fuller account of why Jesus entered Jerusalem to confront the Jewish leaders
• Jesus’s heretofore unrevealed teachings to the Apostles in his final days on Earth
• A modern look at the death on the cross, stripped of the blood-atonement teaching
• The lost story of the crucial role of Mary Magdelene and the women apostles
• A new description of the resurrection of Lazurus and Jesus’s own resurrection
• The import of Jesus’s final appearances after his resurrection
• The story of Pentecost and its unfolding ever since

These talks are for those who recognize the divinity of Jesus but are ready for a new understanding of his divine mission. I believe that advanced Christians are ready to strip away the mythological interpretations of Jesus’s life—especially regarding the dramatic story of Easter. Much more narrative detail is needed in our challenging time than that which was provided in the four Gospels.
Again, this series of presentations will begin on March 12. Regular subscribers will receive notice of five recorded talks, one on Monday of each week through April 16. You’re invited to listen in and read along, beginning with Paper 170 and ending with Paper 195 in The Urantia Book. We will cover about five papers with each discussion. Follow along as Jesus enters Jerusalem to revolutionize our world forever, and thrill yourself with a new revelation of Jesus.
Links to first talk:
“The fullness of the gospel of Jesus
according to the Urantia Revelation”
(Now in two parts, Talk 1a and Talk 1b)
March 12, 201
Click HERE for further notice of the series!

A summary of the
primary teaching
of the gospel in Paper 170
(1) The truth of the Fatherhood of God and
(2) the fact of the brotherhood of man.
(But today we use gender-inclusive language)
The last word:
“Kingdom is within you”
(The transcendent God of heaven is immanent in the human heart)
Key precepts:
• Recognize the universal sovereignty of God, our loving Creator
• Realize your sonship or daughtership with this infinite God
(Because we each received unique personality + God Fragment within)
• Have faith in the effectiveness of doing the will of God
To consciously enter this “family of God,” two things are essential:
(1) Sincere faith and (2) hunger for the truth
Faith with sincerity:
To enter with the attitude of a child who is open-minded and teachable;
to so deeply trust in God’s transcendent wisdom that we sincerely seek God’s will rather than our own limited will.
Truth hunger:
To use truth-seeking awareness to become more like God. Further, to reach in each moment for the highest possible value, which is to choose to do the will of God; and, to support that activity, we create a philosophy of living around the highest values: truth, beauty, and goodness.
Faith and truth-hunger catalyze a series of transactions
– It begins with humble faith + love of truth as the “entrance fee”
– God forgives us in exchange for paying this “price”
– We become aware that God’s merciful love was always present
– This awareness of divine love grows as we love and forgive others
Five cardinal features of the gospel of the kingdom:
The pre-eminence of the individual.
(Each person is sacred and has “spiritual rights”)
The centrality of human will—its priority over thought and feeling
(Decisions enable soul evolution which in turn leads to eternal life)
Communion with God
(Our core practice is the consciousness of divine presence within)
Joy of loving service
(“Love one another as I have loved you, with joy and delight”)
The transcendence of the spiritual over the material
(A healthy body is a beloved vehicle that supports our spiritual attainments)
Five phases of manifestation of the kingdom
1. Each and every person’s fellowship with God
2. A society motivated by higher morality and advanced ethics
3.The reality and the ministry of invisible spiritual beings
4.The dawn of a new social order dominated by love
5. Fruition in a utopian age of light and life