The Unknown Story of Adam and Eve

My forthcoming book tells the story of my involvement in supporting an empirical research effort based on the stunning story of Adam and Eve as told in the UB, beginning with Paper 73. Research carried out over several years demonstrated that a heretofore unknown...

Urantia Cosmology and Current Astrophysics

How  to “True Up” Perceptions of the Urantia Book’s Cosmology August 1, 2014 Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the recent international Urantia conference was strong evidence that a “Urantia mythos” seems to be evolving around the Urantia Book’s...

“Destination Paradise”: the Pato Banton interview

What most folks know about Pato Banton is that he is a renowned international reggae star whose performing and recording career spans decades. But those who have followed him closely in recent years know that the charismatic artist know has now reinvented himself....

Interview with George Barnard of the 11:11 Progress Group

For several months I have been holding bimonthly “podcasts” with Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission leaders. My good friend Donna D’Ingillo co-hosts. I book the interviewees and then dialogue with our guests for a half hour. We open and close...

The Marvelous Celestial Beings Behind the 11:11 Phenomenon

Almost all of us have experienced the heart-pounding terror of lost car keys. But even worse is loosing someone else’s car keys—especially when there’s no duplicate around. You guessed it: I once experienced this hyper-embarrassing state of affairs. I felt that panic...